Monday, October 06, 2008

&#8220;<p>buildings and bridges<br/> are made to bend in the wind<br/> to withstand the world<br/> that&#8217;s what it takes<br/> all that steel and stone<br/> is no match for the air, my friend<br/> what doesn&#8217;t bend breaks<br/> what doesn&#8217;t bend breaks</p> <p>we are made to bleed<br/> and scab and heal and bleed again<br/> and turn every scar into a joke<br/> we are made to fight<br/> and fuck and talk and fight again<br/> and sit around and laugh until we choke<br/> sit around and laugh until we choke</p>&#8221;

Buildings and Bridges, Ani DiFranco

(I know I said no more Ani…)

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